Academy of Image and Communication

What makes us different?

We combine our education and broad knowledge in psychology with rich experience in work with the biggest media corporations, the largest radio and TV stations, as well as professional experience in sales departments, PR and companies specialising in building an image online.

Our training courses provide practical expertise supported by the latest psychological research. Everything is presented in an interesting format that’s easy to acquire. Our letters of recommendation are the best confirmation of the above.

Marcin Mańka
founder of the Academy

  • As the only psychologist and coach in Poland, he combines professional education and experience in such a unique way
  • Psychologist, trainer, coach, radio and TV presenter, event host
  • He conducted a unique research on a global scale, which showed that the image of the employee translates into the perception of the company.
  • Education in law and psychology
  • Certified coach, member of the most important global coaching organisation ICF.
  • More than 17 years of experience in work in the media, press and radio (e.g. Radio Zet, Roxy FM, Radiostacja), and primarily in television (TVP 1, TVP Info, Polsat, TTV, TVN Warszawa).
  • Carrying out training and advice projects for the largest companies, cooperation with international consulting companies in the scope of HR as well as hosting numerous prestigious events (on an European and global scale).
Kursy online