Business etiquette without exaggeration

Savoir-vivre is often associated with strict customs, being reserved, old-fashioned, unnecessary cutlery pieces on the table, strange pronunciation and a white shirt with cufflinks that is worn even to the gym or for a walk with your Poodle or English Setter. This is a totally wrong approach. Savoir means know, and vivre means live. This phrase can thus be defined as knowledge on how to live or simply the art of living, the knowledge of principles and customs, as well as the ability to deal in different situations, even those non-typical ones. Simply put, this is politeness, tolerance and a form of respect shown to people who we communicate with.

In the business context, ethics guarantees strictly-defined standards translating into good relations with customers and business partners.

This training course will enable you to gain knowledge relating to how to behave during more or less formal meetings, you will become more confident and will learn how to react properly in most of business situations.


  • how a portrayal of a given person and first conclusions relating to that person’s characteristics impact their behaviours in interpersonal situations?
  • how to act according to the principles of good practices without losing the naturalness and without creating an impression of a fake and unrelaxed person?
  • how does casual savoir vivre differ from business savoir vivre?
  • what are the key principles of business savoir vivre?
  • how does the first impression effect work?


  • what is the role of gestures, body language and expressions in your reception?
  • how important is the method of greeting?
  • how to retain eye contract according to the principles of savoir vivre?
  • how to introduce yourself and others in accordance with business ethics?
  • what is the precedence principle?
  • who can you call directly by the name and who should be referred to as Sir/Madam?
  • what is the art of using titles and handing out business cards?
  • what are the principles of ethics of employee meetings?
  • how to complete an elegant small talk during a conference?
  • how to make a discussion with employee in an elegant way?



  • conduct meetings with customers and employees according to the principles of savoir vivre,
  • consciously control how your behaviour contributes to how you are portrayed by others,
  • make a better impression on your recipients presenting yourself as a trustworthy professional who can adapt well to all kinds of situations.


  • commit image-related mistakes,
  • feel uncomfortable during business meetings where you have to act in a very formal way,
  • think that business ethics is only useful in diplomacy.


  • self-confidence in professional situations,
  • knowledge in building an image through elements of behaviour,
  • a network of business contacts.


  • The psychology of social impact vs. the process of building an image through behaviour.
  • Automatical thinking.
  • The key principles of savoir vivre.
  • Body language as one of the key elements in business ethics.
  • Methods of greeting – types of handshakes.
  • Eye contact in line with savoir vivre.
  • Methods of introducing yourself, others and greeting according to the business ethics, principles of calling one by their name vs. using Sir/Madam.
  • Principles of using titles and handing out business cards.
  • Principles of small talk.
  • Ethics at a table.
  • Principles of exchanging mail.
  • Personal development programme based on coaching techniques and tools.
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