The time has come. The microphone and camera are all set. The host is greeting the viewer in a natural and funny way, while making a joke and presenting the guest – you. You wonder how the host does it. He is so relaxed and natural in a situation where you lose your mind. Is there a way to feel the way the host does?
Media appearances are very stressful. Despite the fact that you can be sure that there is no serious risk that you face, just the fact of being aware of how many people are looking at you can be paralysing, especially if your self-esteem is low. Remain calm. You cannot learn this skill. It is, in fact, a big challenge that will require hard work, mainly work on yourself and on how you cope with assessment made by others. You will need to work on your self-esteem. It is worth emphasising, and this is something that will give you some comfort, that even popular professional speakers and presenters experience stage fright before appearances. It is a natural reaction in your body. Properly portrayed and used stage fright can contribute to your success. We will help you change this perspective.
You will find out what communication tools to use, how to attract the attention of your viewers, how to retain it at a relatively high level and what to note in terms of the outfit, gestures and behaviour. This is a training course full of hands-on guidelines resulting from many years of experience in work for nationwide media (e.g. TVP 1, POLSAT, Radio ZET).
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