Persuasion and making impact

Persuasion and influencing are terms that are usually associated with books on psychology, sales or advertisement. We forget or live without being aware that virtually every day in our private and professional life, we persuade and influence someone more or less effectively. We convince the boss to our ideas, the co-worker to our concepts during brainstorming sessions or the different point of views when talking to our partner in terms of holidays or what film to watch, or we convince our children to clean up their room or do homework. The effectiveness will not always be at the desired level so it is worth learning the principles of influencing others to do it with more awareness.

Often, persuasion is mistaken for manipulation. The techniques are similar but the latter assumes a negative effect for the person being influenced. During this course, we will show you how to use knowledge of the psychology of social impact in an ethical way. You will understand the meaning if internal schemes in the process of communication and information processing. You will develop self-esteem that is decisive in your effectiveness. You will improve your interpersonal skills in the scope of building substantial and accurate speeches. You will learn about the power of persuasion and argumentation in the process of convincing. You will learn how to read non-verbal signals while discovering the intentions of your speaker.

Due to the available psychological knowledge through learning the mechanisms behind human behaviour, you will be able to influence others faster and more effectively.


  • how to convince your customers and co-workers?
  • the difference between persuasion and manipulation?
  • how to make an impact on people within the morality boundaries?
  • how to convince another person so that both parties are satisfied?
  • how to achieve your goals more effectively?
  • how to use the discoveries of cognitive psychology in the process of convincing others to your opinion?
  • how to activate particular emotions of your recipients?


  • how your convictions affect the effectiveness of persuasion?
  • how to pick arguments that will affect others?
  • how to construct a speech that will be on point and convincing?
  • how to use the language of advantages and disadvantages?
  • what are meta-programmes and how to use knowledge relating to them, in practice?
  • how to use the techniques of self-presentation to increase your effectiveness when making impact on others?
  • how to defend yourself against psychological manipulation?
  • how to detect a lie?



  • progress to subsequent levels of your career, effectively convincing people to yourself and your ideas,
  • care for yourself in relations, in a smart and clear way while making healthy boundaries,
  • build better relations in your professional and private life by skilfully convincing others about your opinions and showing respect to them.


  • waste time for unproductive meetings,
  • lose nerves and health in situations that are beyond your control,
  • abandon your goals and plans because you cannot convince others to them.


  • competences in the scope of interpersonal communication,
  • the ability to build trust and being natural as a basis for making an impact on people effectively,
  • self-confidence and freedom in relations.


  • Social impact.
  • Self-confidence as a basis for effective influence.
  • Automatical thinking.
  • Three levels of impact, i.e. mechanisms of interpersonal communication based on communication psychology, psycholinguistics and sociolinguists.
  • Adjusting the communication style to the personality of the recipient – meta-programmes.
  • Constructing a speech that will be on point and convincing.
  • Techniques of social influence.
  • Techniques of defending yourself against manipulation.
  • Personal development programme based on coaching techniques and tools.
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