Public appearances and business presentations


2499 PLN + TAX

Marcin Mańka 

Marcin Mańka


As the only presenter, psychologist, soft competence trainer, and coach  in Poland, he combines professional education and experience in such a unique way.

Education: psychology (3 schools) and law. 17 years as a presenter (for example in:  Radio ZET, TVP 1, Polsat).

Business and work experience in managerial positions (sales, relations). Conducting international events and conferences. Very rich training experience.

Over 190 reference letters from the world’s largest corporations such as Coca-Cola, Oriflame and PWC.



  • Education: psychology, law, psychological training school, international icf coach certificate, one-year acting course, during doctorate,
  • conducting training and consulting projects for the largest companies, cooperation with international consulting companies in the field of HR, as well as conducting many prestigious events (of European and global rank), including international meetings of prime ministers, scientific and economic,
  • he conducted a unique research on a global scale, which showed that the image of the employee translates into the perception of the company,
  • over 17 years of experience working in the media, radio (Radio ZET, Roxy FM, Radiostacja), and above all in television (TVP 1, TVP Info, Polsat, TTV), Currently – host of Studio LOTTO, and a juror in Polsat tv show Make Me Over – Great Change, expert psychologist in television programs, among others Pytanie na Śniadanie,
  • business and work experience in managerial positions.


  • Expert psychologist in television programs, among others Pytanie na Śniadanie,
  • Juror in Polsat tv show Make Me Over – Great Change,
  • Host of Studio LOTTO
  • Presenter on Radio Zet
  • Presenter on TTV television – “Sunny Morning” program 
  • Presenter on TVP 1 (programs „Za kulisami jedynki”, „Wypasiona zima”, „Quadrans Qltury”, „Studio oprawy TVP1”)
  • Hosting the Opole 2009 festival studio
  • Lector – Telewizja Polska S.A., TVN Warszawa
  • Presenter on Radiu Roxy FM
  • Presenter on Polsat television (programs Quizmania, Halo Kasa).


  • Czech and Polish Business Mixer. 
    During the film festival in Karlovy Vary, I was the host of Prime Ministers of Poland and the Czech Republic meeting with entrepreneurs interested in investing in both countries. The main topic of talks: development of economic relations. I was conducting formal and less formal meetings.
  • „Airtec Frankfurt – International Trade Fair for Aerospace Suppliers”
    One of the most important events in the world associating suppliers of aerospace solutions. Hosting the “Get together evening”.
  • „Future Internet Week”
    International conference related to the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Hosting all main meetings.
  • Coca- Cola Leadership Conference 2017
    Together with Ula Chincz, I was running a gigantic conference for Coca-Cola HBC. Language: English.
  • Final Gala of the European Competition entitled: “Discover e-volunteering”
    A cultural event for closing the European Volunteer Year 2011, included in the Programme of Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Organisations from 19 countries of the EU took part in this event.
  • Final Gala of the “Dobroczyńca Roku 2011” (Philanthropist of the Year) Competition
    The biggest and longest-operating competition promoting pro-social activities of companies in Poland. The Gala took place at Marriott Hotel in Warsaw. The audience included business elite members from Poland.
  • Discovery Channel conferences
    Conducting meetings with the biggest Discovery Channel stars, including: Bear Grylls, Dynamo magician (3 meetings in Poland). Language: Polish / English. 
    • Presentation of the Autumn 2016 Discovery Networks  schedule – special guest of Bear Grylls
      Conducting an international presentation of the schedule for Dicovery Chanel. Language: Polish / English.
    • National Campaign entitled “Tornister Pełen Uśmiechów” (Backpack Full of Smiles)
      Editions in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 organised by Caritas Polska and TVP1. Hosting press conferences and finale concerts with performances of the biggest Polish musicians.
    • 90th EOS International Congress
      The biggest European meeting of orthodontists organised every year in a different country. 5 years of preparations, 5 days of the Congress, & 2,500 participants from 72 countries.
    • 42nd Meeting of the Polish Association of Neurosurgeons – Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Neurochirurgie
      An international meeting of the top neurosurgeons at Collegium Maius in Lublin.
    • Malaysian Palm Oil Networking Seminar Warsaw 2015
      International conference relating to work on introducing sustainable palm oil farms.
    • Winning & Learning together in Warsaw
      International development conference of Coca-Cola HBC.
    • Launching the first 5G network in Poland T-Mobile.
      A historic moment, many important guests from Poland and the world. Language: English



For some, public appearances and business presentations are a part of daily work. For others, they are an aspect that they have to face from time to time or something they try to avoid, if possible. Public appearances in the form of sales presentations, speeches during employee meetings, presentations of work results, conference appearances, etc. are always stressful. I do not believe people who say that they do not feel any kind of stress during public presentations. Public appearances are at the top of the list of things that stress us the most in daily work. Trust me; stage fright affects professionals too, even those you see headlining the newspapers. The first and most important step in work on developing one’s skills in this subject is to find the right methods of dealing with stress.

The next step is building self-confidence because public appearances are a way of facing other peoples’ judgement in a situation of public exposure. Proper preparation and accuracy will not always mean that we will no longer face judgement and our thoughts about what others think of us. We have doubts. This is why during our training courses, we will start with work on your inner part which will be later combined with elements of communication and selected psychological and technical aspects. During the course, you will primarily learn how to overcome your own doubts and fears so that you can conduct more natural and credible presentations.


  • how to charm your audience?
  • how to develop self-confidence?
  • how to build authority, credibility and convince others to yourself?
  • how to build a professional image during public appearances?
  • how to fully use your potential?


  • how to cope with stage freight and reduce stress?
  • how to use the first impression effect in a conscious way?
  • how to interpret the behaviour of listeners?
  • how to make listeners experience the “wow” effect?
  • how to deal with dissatisfaction of listeners?
  • how to deal with difficult and surprising questions of your listeners and unexpected situations?
  • how to cope in a situation where there are reservations that are voiced/unvoiced?
  • how to adjust your dress code to the characteristics and specifics of the presentation?



  • use the your entire potential during a presentation,
  • feel confident as a presenter,
  • charm and attract attention of your audience.


  • sabotage your actions during a presentation,
  • worry whether who you are will be sufficient to attract attention,
  • give in to stage freight.


  • skills relating to effective business and sales presentations,
  • the skill to convince your audience to your ideas and opinions,
  • consciousness and self-confidence.


  • The key principles of psychology of communication.
  • Discoveries of cognitive psychology vs. effective commutation.
  • “Buckle up” ­– or how to adjust your mentality. This section is prepared based on the assumptions of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
  • Being natural and developing self-confidence – the ability to be yourself and building a consistent message.
  • Three levels of impact, i.e. mechanisms of interpersonal communication based on communication psychology, psycholinguistics and sociolinguists.
  • Personality and its types – how to communicate with various types of personalities and how to interpret behaviours of listeners.
  • Self-presentation based on the discoveries of psychology of social impact.
  • Methods of building authority and self-credibility.
  • The first impression effect.
  • Public appearances/presentations based on the practice of appearances and psychology of communication.
  • Principles of preparing presentations, i.e. how and what to present based on the discoveries of cognitive psychology.
  • Improvisation techniques.
  • Storytelling in presentations, how to use the art of telling a story to stimulate emotions.
  • Persuasion – methods of generating impact during public appearances.
  • Methods of coping in difficult and unexpected situations.
  • Selection of a proper dress code to a situation – a method for building an image of an expert.
  • Personal development programme based on coaching techniques and tools.

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